Hello there, everyone! I hope August has been treating you well.
I haven't posted in over two whole weeks (!) I'm also way behind in checking my blog subscriptions (and I, um, subscribe to several hundred knitting blogs, so... ...hopefully I'll be able to catch up on all the cool stuff everyone is doing...).
I don't have a really great reason, but it's partially due to the fact that my camera is having issues, so I haven't had any photos for you. I'm borrowing a camera that I can't seem to take great pictures with (and it's been gray most days), but here are a few anyway.
Bug, lounging between my feet:

Earlier this month was my birthday, and in addition to going out to eat and having a really delicious cake (Chocolate Truffle Cake, recipe courtesy of Sheri at The Loopy Ewe -- yummy!), I cast on for Fifi.
I've finished it, and here it is, unblocked (modeled by Bug, for now):

As you can see, Bug was impersonating a slug during the (rather brief) photoshoot:

I'll be sure to take photos of me wearing it soon (hopefully I'll solve my camera issues first!!), and I'll give you more details about how it knit up.
Sockapalooza Sock Pattern
A number of you asked about the pattern that Ellen used to make my lovely Sockapalooza socks -- she says her sister found it at JoAnn Fabric and Crafts.
UPDATE: Ellen found the pattern: Parting Ways Socks by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer. Thanks Ellen!
Mystery Stole
I took a little break from my Mystery Stole to knit Fifi, but -- never fear! -- I'm working away on it again. I'm currently working Clue 5 (the first clue of the "wing" portion of the stole), and I'm enjoying it! -- Pictures soon...

P.S. If you're on Ravelry, come by and visit (and "friend" me, if you like)! I'm "OctopusKnits" there.
P.S.S. Bug and Moana weren't really on strike for my previous post, I just forgot to take their pictures with my Sockapalooza loot! They were quite miffed ; )
Fifi looks great! Congrats on a great FO.
Lovely! (That cinches it--I must make this top!)
Fifi is fantastic!
yay...they're back..missed them!! Love the raspberry colour of Fifi.
Bugs looks really out like a shot between your feet....so sweet!!
Glad you're back -- I've missed the goofy cat photos! Can't wait to see you modeling Fifi.
Fifi is lovely. I'm looking forward to modeled photos!
Bug looks handsome like always.
Fifi is so pretty! I bet you'll look perfect in it :-).
Happy Belated. My b-day was earlier this month too.
Lovely Fifi. Cute kitty.
Thanks for the great comment.
happy birthday!
can't wait to see a modeled photo of fifi. looks like it turned out well!
Oooo, Fifi is gorgeous in that color!
Happy belated birthday, too--Chocolate Truffle Cake sounds heavenly.
Thanks for coming by to visit me!
Your Fifi looks great!! And too funny at cat pics w/ mystery stole! :oD
Happy Belated!
Your sweater looks great! My MS3 is almost done and I feel like I've been knitting on it forever!
Just went and found you on Ravelry! I swear I had already friended you on there ;)
Fifi looks awesome in red!
The red color is gorgeous! Fifi looks great.
Fifi looks great and I know you will enjoy wearing it. Bug looks especially cute modeling it for you too.
Happy belated Birthday!
First of all, Happy Belated Birthday!
I love birthdays. I know a lot of people don't -- since it's just evidence of "getting older" -- but consider the alternative, I always say.
Poor Bug! He looks like he's melted.
I haven't been blogging much lately myself. I think that we should have the entire month of August off for vacation. Of course, I would stay inside the entire time in the air conditioning, but still. Principal of the thing, and all that.
Okay you must send me your personal e-mail address! :o)
I am at crimsondiva1999@yahoo.com
Just put OctopusKnitting in the subject field please!
your cat is exatly like mine. They could be sisters in fact
Ooooh, Fifi! I love that pattern, it's so flattering!
Bug is cute too :)
Bug is so adorable and such a good sport!! Love your Fifi, especially in that color!
I love your darling cat! I have always wondered the colors on Siamese (?)cat. Very flattering!
And I think your knits are so perfect! So even! Love the colors too!
Yay! Congratulations on Fifi! I absolutely loved knitting mine up. I look forward to the modeled pics.
Fifi looks great! I've just got to finish my sleeves, but I *love* this knit! Happy belated birthday! I hope it was wonderful and the cake was too :)
You Fifi looks so yummy! I love the colour of the yarn! I must say that it suits BUg very well indeed! I hope that you can fix your camera issues so we can see you wearing Fifi :D
Isn't cake the best part of birthday (ok, besides all the presents)?
Your Fifi looks great even being unblocked! I just finished Fifi too, and let's just say that I'm hoping that blocking is going to help...
I am also behind in my blog reading and I, like you, have many many in my bloglines... It must be something about August that just makes one behind in everything!
Love that FiFi... thanks for your supportive comments on mine. I did a bit of frogging last night and am back on track now ... slimmer sleeves and all!
Can't wait to see the modeled pic of FiFi! Love the red color. And I will be looking you up on Ralevry!
WOW! Fifi came out great-it is gorgeous and i love the color! But is cute modeling it, but I look forward to seeing how it looks on a person!
I really love the color of Fifi!
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