Right now I want to put in a quick plug for Knittymama's Flood Relief Contest. From her blog:
"I’m sure most of you have heard about the devastating floods that have taken place in Southeastern Minnesota and Southwestern Wisconsin by now. There has been terrible loss of life and property, but one group that has been hit especially hard are the organic farmers of the region. This is a fertile area, and home to a rich organic farming community....
This is an agonizing loss for these farmers. Not only have they lost their crops but they have suffered erosion and equipment damage, and have had to lay off workers as well. While most farms are hoping to make it through the damage there are also many who have an uncertain future....
Once I began to find out about the losses around our region, I felt helpless but unsure of what to do. But then I saw that Sow the Seeds is doing a fundraiser, and then I thought, “The knitters! The knitters will help!” And so here I am, with both a contest and a plea for you all to help our organic farmers."
Knittymama has some great prizes (sock yarn!, handspun!), but the contest will only remain open until September 29th (tomorrow!), so check it out. Of course, feel free to donate even if you read about this too late to get in on the contest : )

Pay it Forward
Rosina of Noteworthy Knits has very generously offered to make handmade gifts for the first 3 people who leave a comment on her post (I think you can still leave her a comment, so give her a visit, and check out all the cool spinning she's been doing lately!).
I took her up on it (Thanks, Rosina!), and now I'm paying it forward.
This is "based on the concept of the movie Pay it Forward where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return... just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness continue to pass it along as well. Here’s how it works: I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog."
If you would like to participate, please leave me a comment on this post and email me at octopusknits AT gmail DOT com with your contact info. (mailing address, blog address if you have one, Ravelry or flickr ID if you have one).
I'll try to make you something you'll like!
This is very interesting. I do believe in the PIF concept though - so sign me up! I'll post about it tonight on my blog. I'll send you separate email about my address and such...
oh gee - how can I resist. I'll post about this next time I blog - probably sometime this weekend after my adventure tomorrow morning assembling my new Ott light.
And I have just the gift - 2 skeins of lace weight Alpaca :)and 2 more wound into cakes if anyone wants...
Random acts of kindness and senseless beauty and paying it forward - these are what make life worthwhile.
What a great idea! Sign me up! I'll send you an e-mail with my info.
Yay! Thanks for "signing up," guys!
Oh man! I always arrive at the party too late. It's s fun idea this PIF. :)
Thanks so much for sharing about the flood relief. I actually didn't know about that, so I'll try to stop by and make a donation even though I'll be late. Sorry I missed your PIF, but I've been considering joining by posting on my blog so maybe this is just another reminder to join in on the fun :)
Sunflowers seem to be the thing hmm? Thanks for sharing the info on the organic farms; it's good to know what's going on in other part of the country.
1...2...3... tagged! Check my blog for instructions :D
Thank you for the comment on my blog x
What a really sweet idea - the PIF concept is wonderful and you've just piffed (or whatever you call it) a lot of people into wondering how they can pif too I think - a PIF in itself. I love the photos of the sunflower - they are just the most brilliant flowers and I love their swirls in the centre, glad I came out of hiberbation to see this
I came off of another blog and wow, just saw your knitting projects. I wish I was that good. I can't seem to get past the basics. All I want is to knit a few hats for my sock monkey, but yet his head still stays bald and freezing.
I'm just amazed at your stuff.
What a wonderful idea! PIF is definitely a good thing.
come back to bloggy land!
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