Since I participated in both the Tour de Fleece (Ravelry link) and the Spunky Eclectic Ravelry group's Great Stash Spin Up (Ravelry link) this year, I've got a backlog of skeins to show you.
Handspun Yarn I: Cinnamon and Sugar
Fiber: Call of the Wool Shetland Wool Roving
Stats: 295 yards (113 g), 13 wpi (heavy fingering weight)
Ply: Navajo-ply
Comment: Fiber courtesy of Chantel the shetland sheep :) Thanks, Chantel!

Handspun Yarn II: Hidden
Fiber: Spunky Eclectic Bluefaced Leicester Roving
Stats: 652 yards (113 g), 26 wpi (lace weight)
Ply: Single-ply
Comment: This colorway reminds me so much of lichen on rocks in a forest.

Handspun Yarn III: Aqua
Fiber: Tranquil Morning Farm Navajo Churro Lamb Batt
Stats: 122 yards (60 g), 13 wpi (heavy fingering/light sport weight)
Ply: 2-ply
Comment: A little challenging to spin, but I love this color.

Handspun Yarn IV: Red Dwarf Star
Fiber: All Spun Up Merino Combed Top
Stats: 285 yards (121 g), 11 wpi (DK weight)
Ply: 2-ply
Comment: Holy squishiness, batman! This stuff is soft.

Handspun Yarn V: Esmaralda
Fiber: Enchanted Knoll Farm Farm-raised Roving
Stats: 236 yards (110 g), 12 wpi (sport weight)
Ply: Navajo-ply
Comment: I'm thinking I'll use this with another yarn in a weaving project :)

Handspun Yarn VI: Thunderstorm
Fiber: Spunky Eclectic Panda Combed Top (60% Superwash Merino/ 30% Bamboo/ 10% Nylon)
Stats: 480 yards (119 g), 17 wpi (light fingering/lace weight)
Ply: Single-ply
Comment: I need to figure out what to do with this cool color progression! Probably a simple shawl of some kind...

Handspun Yarn VII: Koi Pond
Fiber: All Spun Up Polwarth Combed Top
Stats: 346 yards (119 g), 12-15 wpi (fingering weight)
Ply: 2-ply
Comment: Polwarth is somewhat different than other wools I've spun. It feels soft and wonderful, but seems to eat up a lot more plying twist than I'm used to. I need to practice more with this fiber :)

Handspun Yarn VIII: Cheshire Cat
Fiber: Enchanted Knoll Farm Merino/Bamboo/Silk/Sparkles Batts
Stats: 371 yards (87 g), 18 wpi (light fingering/lace weight)
Ply: Navajo-ply
Comment: Meow! Another blue/green/black combo. I seem to have an affinity for them :)

Handspun Yarn IX: Subtle Tiger
Fiber: All Spun Up 50% Merino/ 25% Silk/ 25% Bamboo Roving
Stats: 1143 yards (120 g), 27 wpi (lace weight)
Ply: Single-ply
Comment: Roar!

Handspun Yarn X: Eric
Fiber: Southern Cross Fibre Merino Wool Top
Stats: 668 yards (114 g), 19 wpi (light fingering/lace weight)
Ply: 2-ply
Comment: Such deep, delicious reds!

Handspun Yarn XI: Jabberwocky
Fiber: Blue Moon Fiber Arts 50% Merino/ 50% Silk Roving
Stats: 654 yards (192 g), 18 wpi (light fingering weight)
Ply: Navajo-ply
Comment: The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! (No unattended yarn snuggling. Bug, that means you!)